Students are strongly encouraged to wear their full school uniform each day. Food and Uniforms can be purchased from the Tuckshop/Uniform shop daily.
Tuckshop Information
Children should use the following guide:
- Nail polish, inappropriate hair dying and/or eye make-up is not permitted.
- Wrist watches may be worn.
- One only of the following may be worn under clothing: religious pendant, medical bracelet or personally significant necklace.
- Earrings are not permitted, however sleepers or studs may be worn if ears are pierced. Body jewellery/piercing is not acceptable due to Health and Safety concerns.
- Students are encouraged to keep shoes on whilst at school unless otherwise instructed by the teacher.
- Shirts are to be worn, tucked in.
- A school hat is available from the tuckshop to suit both boys and girls.
- All children must wear hats at all times when they are outdoors. The school has a policy of “no hat - no play”
- Students without an appropriate hat will be expected to spend their recess times under shaded areas to protect them from the sun and they will not be permitted to play in the playground.
Mobile phones
Mobile phones are coming to school and interfering in our core business through:
- Inappropriate or unwanted text message
- Ringing or messaging in class time
- Use of mobile phone cameras
During school hours parents are welcome to phone the office and messages from parents will be passed on to the students.
Students are encouraged to leave mobile phones at home.
Loss or theft of mobile phones, like any valuable item, remains the responsibility of the owner, not the school.
If students wish to bring a mobile phone to school it must be clearly named and left at the office to be picked up after school.
If a student has a mobile phone at school, in class or in the playground, the teacher will have the student immediately deliver it to the office. There it will be kept in the secure area until after school. It is the student’s responsibility to collect the phone and it will only be returned after 3.00 pm.
Lost, Damaged or Stolen Property
- Whilst every reasonable care is taken to prevent damage to or theft of a child’s property no responsibility can be accepted.
- Items are brought into the school grounds at the owner’s risk.
- All items of clothing and sporting material should have the child’s name. This ensures prompt return to the owner if they are mislaid or lost. Items should be checked regularly to ensure that the name has not faded. The lost property bin is under the school office (A Block). After a reasonable time, unclaimed articles are disposed of to a charity.
- All money or payments for school activities need to be handed in at the school office before school in a clearly marked envelope with the student’s name, year level, what the payment is for and the amount. Correct change would be appreciated.
- Credit card payments can also be made.